HIGH FEATHER ~ A Young Adult Mystery of Absent-Minded Misfortune

I'm not an exceptional writer.
Steinbeck is an exceptional writer.

I am an ordinary, round doorknob, coins in the ashtray kind of writer who is still working on her craft. I have no idea how long it will take me to reach the caliber of a Steinbeck or even an (early) Lilian Jackson Braun, but I'm enjoying the process. I can't say I'm enjoying a couple of the critiques. It's not that I can't see my faults, but when you dress them in medieval spikes fresh from a kill, they're a little hard to take. No matter how I feel about an author's writing and there are so many of us out there trying to get along with words the best we can, I would never, ever say the kind of things being said. Ever. Especially when it's obvious there are not that many reviews and the author is not hell-bent on seeking them or even paying for them. (Yes, good reviews can be purchased)

There are some authors, honest to God, I can't even read, they are so bad. Yet, I will maintain creative courtesy, knowing whatever needs to be fixed will evolve to perfection as the seasoning continues and the practice, practice, practice maintained. And, I have to be honest, I rarely read someone's first book. So, I am extremely grateful to those who embraced mine, knowing I gave it all I had at last year's stage in my writing career. Thank you to the many who enjoyed my effort; and, to those with barbs, I didn't write it for you, anyway.

I am indebted to those who support me now and have supported me all along. I am fortunate to be part of a cat-loving community that has helped me keep my feet on the ground while I indulge in flights of fancy and a fertile imagination, ever-present since childhood.

It reminds me that each of us has a time and place the good Lord has set for us to shine. But, and I say this quite often, it may not be right here and right now. After all, we can't all be heralded at once.

Let's applaud those who have worked hard and seek just a little recognition for their passion, no matter what it is. It's what you say, how you say it that is so important. Not for the sake of delusion, but for easier treading on slopes that are more serendipitous than we all like to admit. After all, those friends could very well be cheering you when the footlights come on and the music really begins.

Be happy.



  1. Well said, Julie! WE love, support and applaud you, dear friend.

    Yay for book two!


    Kevin, Tracey, Sammy and Moosey


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