A Fresh Look

So good to be back! What was it John Lennon said, something about life getting in the way of living?

This gives me the perfect opportunity to re-introduce this blog, what I'll be writing about, and other events that affect me as a writer in this increasingly competitive world.

As far as the title of this blog is concerned, I like to entertain double meanings, or give others the opportunity to interpret a thought or phrase in a couple of different ways.  Clear From Here means I've either delivered my message, all's clear and I'm ready to sign off; or, my perspective is clear from where I'm standing rather than close up. Sometimes it's best to scrutinize from a distance to get a better perspective. 

I've spent the stretch of time between the last blog and this one reading, moving, taking care of ill felines, honing my craft and frankly catering to the star of the show, Tom Fishworthy and his Page on Facebook. He's a Maine Coon who really exists in my writer's world, yet has taken on the persona of a priest, a parish mascot, curmudgeon and imagines himself slaying dragons in ancient times or playing a part in historical references. The field is wide open for his explorings and imagination.

When it comes to Tom's parish itself, things get a little more serious. If you're a member of any community or group, you know there can be quite the assortment of personalities, issues, and the many ways societal ills are endured. I've tried to combine humor with those things in life that invariably touch the mind and the heart.

After twenty-five, almost thirty years of freelancing, writing for media, putting together broadcast material and coordinating campaigns, I'm happy to share my perspectives. I appreciate the opportunity to do just that.



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